Jumat, 06 November 1998

Jet Cina buru UFO

Sumber: Bisnis Indonesia, 6 Nopember 1998

Tanggal peristiwa: 19 Oktober 1998

SHANGHAI (AFP): Dua pilot Angkatan Udara Cina gagal menyergap benda terbang tak dikenal (UFO) yang mereka gambarkan bentuknya mirip dalam film fiksi ilmiah. Pilot tersebut seperti terlibat dalam permainan kucing dan tikus antara benda asing itu dan jet tempur yang diperintahkan untuk memburunya. Sedikitnya 140 orang di darat juga melihat benda asing itu.

Kejadian itu dimulai ketika empat stasiun radar yang berbeda di utara Provinsi Hebei menangkap signal benda bergerak tak dikenal di udara tepat di atas basis pelatihan penerbangan militer dekat kota Chanzhou.

Dalam mengamati basis itu, UFO pertama tampak seperti bintang kecil, kemudian tambah besar dan semakin besar, mungkin dengan menurunkan ketinggiannya, ungkap laporan Hebei Daily kemarin.
Benda asing itu digambarkan seperti jamur dengan bentuk kubah di bagian atas dan rata di bagian bawah dengan ditutupi lampu terang yang terus berputar.

Komandan pangkalan melaporkan kepada atasannya tentang kejadian itu. Atasan memerintahkan pilot jet tempur Jianjiao-6 untuk memburu benda tak dikenal itu setelah memeriksa tidak ada pesawat sipil dan militer lain.

Dua pilot yang mengejar UFO mengatakan benda terbang asing itu mirip yang mereka lihat dalam film fiksi ilmiah. Ketika mereka berada pada jarak sekitar 4.000 meter dengan UFO, benda aneh itu tiba-tiba melesat ke atas. Permohonan untuk menembak UFO dengan meriam dari jet tempur ditolak oleh komandan di darat. (tw)


Source: Courtesy of UFO Roundup: [http://www.ufoinfo.com/roundup/].
Editor: Joseph Trainor
Volume 3 Number 45, November, 1998

On Monday, October 19, 1998, four military radar stations in Hebei province, China, reported the presence of an unidentified blip hovering above a military flight training school in Changzhou.
Once authorities determined that the intruder was not a military or civilian flight, Colonel Li, the base commander, ordered a Jianjiao 6 jet fighter to take off and intercept the UFO.

"At least 140 people on the ground saw the object."

"To observers at the base, the UFO first appeared to be 'a small star' and then grew larger and larger, perhaps as it descended to a lower altitude, the report said."

"They described an object with a mushroom-shaped dome on top and a flat bottom covered with bright, continually-rotating lights."

The crew of the Jianjiao 6 interceptor consisted of a pilot and a radar officer. The two officers said "the object clearly resembled depictions they had seen in foreign science fiction films...When they got within 4,000 meters (13,200 feet) of the UFO over Qing county, it abruptly shot upward, easily evading subsequent attempts to get closer."

"It appeared to be toying with the fighter by repeatedly outdistancing it and then reappearing right above it, the report said."

The pilot requested permission to fire on the UFO with the plane's automatic 20mm cannon. He was denied permission to shoot by ground control and was told to continue to pursue and observe the object.

The pilot broke off pursuit at an altitude of 12,000 meters (39,600 feet) when the jet began running low on fuel. "The UFO then disappeared before two more modern (Chinese fighter) planes could arrive in the area."

Changzhou is 150 kilometers (90 miles) northwest of Shanghai. (See the Hong Kong Standard for November 4, 1998. The story apparently first ran in the Hebei Daily around October 22 and was picked up by the Chinese weekly newsmagazine Baokhan Wenzhai. Many thanks to Errol Bruce-Knapp and  Andy Denne of A.U.R.A. for forwarding the article.)

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